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YEP ミッチェル 福知山盆踊り 浴衣で参加しました。福知山RC

YEP EXST 盆踊りを満喫

福知山ロータリークラブ 資料委員会

 委員長 宮垣 幸光








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福知山ロータリークラブ 青少年交換委員会 委員長

 福島 啓太・・ホストファミリー 福島順子




An American Student through Youth Exchange Program enjoys “Bon-Odori (Folk Dancing)”

23 Aug 2006 (13 days after the arrival of the student)

Michelle Branch, from Tennessee went to a local festival with her host mother Mrs. Fukushima and had the most wonderful time participating in an traditional Japanese folk dance called Fukuchiyama Odori.. She wore the traditional summer kimono called yukata and a pair of Japanese wooden sandals. Small children at the fair were delighted to see their big sister from the US come to join their local festival. Michelle, although having a great time, had to return home barefoot because the traditional Japanese sandals were a little tough on her feet.

All credits to Michelle for getting up very early in the morning to attend a practice session of this long-established dance in order to be able to participate in the Bon Odori.

The festival was held at Naiki Icchome near the grounds of Fukuchiyama castle, this is the same image you see on the Fukuchiyama Rotary club banner.

A quote from Michelle…”I lost track of time dancing with the children and I really enjoyed the whole experience”

Michelle Branch, from Tennessee went to a local festival.  This event promoted Michelle’s popularity.  Since attended, she has been invited to a firework festival by local youths and now goes by the endearing name of Michelc-chan.



このページへのトラックバック一覧 YEP ミッチェル 福知山盆踊り 浴衣で参加しました。福知山RC:


Oh I loved the festival and had so much fun! The the kids loved me and I felt like some sort of celebrity being surrounded by them all the time. I am enjoying these festivals and hope to go to many more in the future. (wearing the tradtional garb of course!)

I enjoyed viewing the colorful pictures and costumes. Michelle is having a wonderful time in Japan and the article added to the feeling of sharing some of the experiences with her.
